Thursday, 17 October 2013

Ladder Braid Combo

Items Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, 2 hair elastics.
Time Requirement: 5-8 minutes.
Skill Level: Medium
  1. Take the first five feathers, or so,  and flip them up and over the head to keep them out of the way while you begin your second braid…
  2. Pick up another small section of hair, 1-2 inches below the other braid,  and begin a regular braid with one stitch…
  3. Now, add in hair from the top…which essentially creates another Lace Braid. {The difference is that you will only be adding in the “feather” strands from the first braid.}
  4. Continue braiding, adding in a feather strand into each top strand of the Lace Braid, as you go. This is creating a Ladder Braid, with the feather strands now becoming “rungs” on the ladder…
  5. As you braid, try to keep the braids about 1-2 inches apart to allow the ladder effect to remain…
  6. Continue ladder braiding as you work your way around the head.
  7. When you get near the opposite ear, stop adding in hair and finish off the strand into a normal braid…
  8. Secure with an elastic.

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